In a nutshell, I like this book. The pictures are beautiful
and the recipes inspire you to go beyond the pale and add eggs to dishes you
normally would not.
In fairness, as a busy mom with after-school activities,
sports, numerous pets and a flock of chickens, some of these recipes were a
little too involved for me. With finicky eaters in my house, there would
be tears at the table if I tried some of the more fancy feasts.
What I liked the best, is that interspersed among fancy recipes, were easy recipes that appeal to palettes that think chicken nuggets are a delicacy. For instance, the grilled cheese and egg sandwich was a hit at my house as well as the hot dog with scrambled eggs and hot sauce. I’ve tried the breakfast bowl recipes and they are easy and yummy.
What I liked the best, is that interspersed among fancy recipes, were easy recipes that appeal to palettes that think chicken nuggets are a delicacy. For instance, the grilled cheese and egg sandwich was a hit at my house as well as the hot dog with scrambled eggs and hot sauce. I’ve tried the breakfast bowl recipes and they are easy and yummy.
I LOVED the introduction and egg basics sections of this book. For one, Ferroni’s pictures included not only white eggs but green and brown too. Personally, this more accurately reflects my egg selections. And two, the egg basics section is comprehensive and informative. Overall, this is a great book to have in your kitchen arsenal. The pictures and recipes are inspiring for those of us who are always looking for creative uses for our backyard eggs!