I found the coolest web link on Friday and have been watching it ever since. Be warned, if you are an avid bird watcher, as I am, you will be hooked!
As you read this, there is a pair of bald eagles in Decorah, Iowa who are hatching their eaglets. They laid three eggs back in February and early March and on Friday night, the first eaglet pipped. By Saturday morning that eaglet was fully hatched and a second eaglet followed on Sunday. The third egg has not hatched yet. (But, don't worry, it's still on track.)
The web link I mentioned streams live video from the eagle's nest. You can see everything happening in real time. In fact, yesterday, I was very worried as dad accidentally tossed one of the eaglets out of the nest bowl. The eaglet sat there for a long time until mom came back to the nest and scooted it back into the bowl. Whew! That was a close call.
Actually this pair of eagles has successfully hatched and fledged eaglets for the last three years; 2 in 2008, 3 in 2009 and 3 in 2010.
The streaming video cam is part of the non-profit Raptor Resourse Project which was established in 1988 and specializes in the preservation of falcons, eagles, ospreys, hawks, and owls.
So, if you're interested, take a moment to follow the links below. You'll be treated to an up-close look at bald eagles as they raise their young.
The first link is the live streaming video. The second is the YouTube link for the accidental tossing of the eaglet.
Streaming video of Decorah Eagles
Eaglet Tossing You Tube Videos